24-07-16 Archive Display #3:《Exit-Entry 往來》

This is the third in a series of posts recording my efforts to organise and present my research archive of publications related to experimental music and sound art from Mainland China and Hong Kong. Today’s archive display is directly inspired by the next《Exit-Entry 往來》concert, EE04, coming up on Saturday 20 July 2024, and featuring the work of Oishi (Zheng Hao and Ren Shang), Joseph K, K Ying Wong, and 龢wo4 (Brian Chu).

《Exit-Entry 往來》is a series of events which I co-organise with Suze Chan and Brian Chu, bringing together artists from Mainland China and Hong Kong (or with a relation to those places), and inviting them to present their work in (usually) unofficial spaces.

This new display highlights publications by these artists from my archive. The listing below includes links to where they are available to listen to or buy online.

But if you would like to hear them live, then come to《Exit-Entry 往來》on Saturday! NB tickets must be purchased in advance – message our IG account for details.

[24-07-17 UPDATE: added Sun Yizhou/Zheng Hao cassette]

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24-06-06 Archive Display #2: new additions

This is the second in a series of posts recording my efforts to organise and present my research archive of publications related to experimental music and sound art from Mainland China and Hong Kong. Today’s post brings us up to date with the current selection on display. These are the most recent items received for the archive, some old, some new, with a little background to each item.

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24-03-08 Archive Display #1 – International Women’s Day 2024

This is the first in what will be an ongoing series of posts recording my efforts to organise and present my research archive of publications related to experimental music and sound art from Mainland China and Hong Kong. Today’s post is a catalogue of the first display which was inspired by International Women’s Day in March 2024, and includes a selection of female artists.

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A space for experimentation in Hong Kong: An interview with Leo and William about SAAL

Date of interview: 14 December 2022

SAAL logo


SAAL is a DIY live music venue which opened in its latest location in Hong Kong’s Kwun Tong area in 2016. It was one of the few smaller-scale spaces in Hong Kong in which local experimental musicians could cut their teeth, as well as a destination for like-minded artists visiting from abroad. There aren’t many such small places for experimental performance in Hong Kong, and so SAAL (taken from the German, meaning a small hall, room, or chamber) represented an important part of the underground music scene here. In 2020 the owners, Leo and William, placed SAAL on hiatus due to the COVID-19 situation as well for various other reasons, so in this interview I wanted to ask them about the development of SAAL, what the space represented for them, for the artists that made use of it, and for Hong Kong more generally, and why they closed the space and their plans for the future. Along the way they pay tribute to their colleague Albert Leung who passed away in 2019, and why noise music in particular needs live spaces to be experienced.

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