BLOG—Two Years Old Today!

. . . and what a couple of years it’s been!

When I began posting to this blog it was because I was bored with my life and wanted to start developing an interest that to lead on to bigger things. The writing served this purpose for me and blogging seemed a good way of forcing myself to practice this.

To begin with the posts were sporadic and varied, covering anything and everything that I thought was interesting. As time went on the writing became a bit more concentrated on the art side of things, moving away from technical concerns, this also matched changes in my work situation. In 2006 I left work and started college, taking the Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Art History at Goldsmiths College in London, so not only did I stop working and returned to education, but I left my home in Cambridge and moved back to London.

The course has possibly been the best move I have ever made, although I still feel that I have long way to go to actually realise much of the potential that could come from it.

However the greatest thing to come out of this year has been meeting my fiancé, Shi Li. To be fair, nothing else matters quite so much to me as this. I have found love when I had more or less given up on it, and she has completed my life to this point and allows me to go on to the next stage in marriage and in work.

I feel that I can do anything.

Here’s to another two years, and many, many more!

Creative Commons License
BLOG—Two Years Old Today! by escdotdot is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

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