Tate Moden (sic)

Ma Yongfeng and Lv Zhiqiang outside the Tate Moden

Ma Yongfeng and Lv Zhiqiang outside the Tate Moden

Lv Zhiqiang 吕智强, a student at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, has unveiled the newest outpost of the Tate empire in Beijing’s 798 Art District. The Tate Moden has been put together with material scavenged from the College’s art waste, and relocated from CAFA’s campus this weekend. He’ll be hosting shows presumably until he gets shut down. Find him on Seven Star West Road 七星西街 (behind the coach).

UPDATE: Tate Moden lasted a week before it was asked to leave.

forget art: Ma Yongfeng interview

My interview with artist Ma Yongfeng about the “forget art” project, has just been published on Ma’s site. For me Ma represents one of a small selection of artists who are working very deliberately at the periphery of the art world in China, dipping in and out as they deem necessary. It’s an interesting position to take, leading to many questions about the meaning and effectiveness of this act. There will be more to come on this subject!